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The links between trade and health extend back to the earliest human settlements, but globalization has brought these spheres together as never before. This section examines the issues that have led to an even closer intersection between trade and health, asks how they impact the poor, and explores the tensions that arise between the goals of protecting and promoting health and generating wealth through trade.


Build an Oxygen Ecosystem

COVID drew attention to the need for medical oxygen. Now donors need a plan to make it sustainable


Health Care’s Climate Footprint: Saving Lives without Costing the Earth

How climate change and health supply chains are inherently connected


Turning Crisis Into Opportunity: Building Supply Chain Resilience in Africa

Absorbing the lessons of COVID-19 requires adopting a broader and longer-term perspective


Solving for Oxygen

Why policymakers should work to make medical oxygen more accessible


COVID-19 Lessons, Free Trade and Industrial Politics: The Globalization Mismatch

Why a new approach to international cooperation and globalization should be developed


Fentanyl and Foreign Policy

A domestic crisis confronts transnational challenges and geopolitical calculations


More Harm Than Good

Why cigarette filters should be eliminated from the commercial cigarette market


Why Investing in Cold Chain Technologies Will Improve Health Outcomes

Failure to maintain an unbroken cold chain is among the top reasons vaccines are discarded.


A "Radical Plan" to Produce Vaccines Locally

Science reporter Amy Maxmen discusses "the hub" and the making of her new podcast for Big Picture Science


Trade Law Confronts an Exceptional Global Health Crisis

How should the trade system change after the pandemic?


Sharpening the Tools in the Pandemic-Ending Toolbox

After nearly two years of negotiation, the WTO makes a decision about COVID-19 vaccine production and access