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The global health effects of climate change are not well quantified today and are likely to increase in the future, with lower-income countries bearing the brunt of greater food insecurity, increased rates of chronic respiratory illnesses, and shifts in vector-borne diseases. This section explores the global health nexus between climate change and pollution and the possibilities for a more coherent policy approach to these issues.


Promoting Sustainable Tourism in Guatemala

How community involvement is bringing new life to Laguna Brava

A Turning Point on Climate Change and Health

COP28 presents an historic opportunity to transform the response to the effects that climate change has on health.


At COP28, the Climate-Health Nexus Turned a Corner, for Better and Worse

Health got more attention, a change that magnifies the unprecedented dangers an unprepared world faces


Climate Change’s Hidden Mental Toll On Children

New evidence reveals that the climate crisis affects neurological and mental well-being more than previously understood


Climate Change and Health at COP28

The conference in Dubai seeks to elevate health in climate policy


Rebuilding Libya’s Health-Care System

Overcoming the legacy of conflict, natural disasters, and political divisions for a healthier future


Local Malaria and West Nile: Rallying Locally, Collaborating Globally

The United States should assess and prepare for the emerging threat of mosquito-borne illnesses


America’s Battle Against Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Locally transmitted malaria cases in the United States spark a need for more innovative control strategies


Preventing Carbon Monoxide Poisoning When Disasters Hit

As extreme weather events and disasters increase amid climate change, here are ways to stop needless deaths


Protecting Ourselves From Wildfire Smoke

Smoke is here to stay, so communities need to adapt


Waste-to-Energy for U.S. Military Bases

A new technology that could replace burn pits in U.S. overseas military bases


Telehealth's Transformation of Climate Change

Patient travel is a large driver of CO2 emissions, but telehealth can change that


PEPFAR Meets Climate Change

Another president's emergency plan for another global health crisis


Deep Sea Discoveries and Global Health

Humans have only begun to explore the ocean's potential for healing diseases