

When Love Becomes Violence

Countries in Central America should build resilient institutions capable of implementing programs that support women

The Toll of Violence on Women and Youth in Iran

A "pervasive trauma is seeping through Iran," affecting the mental health of women and children


Pakistan's Femicide Crisis

Disinformation, state neglect, and patriarchal conditioning have perpetuated violence against women


Ending Police Violence in America

It is time Americans hold themselves accountable for preventing police violence and invest in Black communities


India's COVID-19 Widows

Why women need protection under international law


Violence in Times of Coronavirus—The Ugly Truth

We cannot afford to unsee domestic abuse after COVID-19—we need a world free from violence against women and children


Coronavirus is a Public Health Nightmare—Now Comes One More

As the pandemic chokes off opioid supplies from China and unemployment skyrockets, U.S. meth addiction is set to explode


Caring for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence in Afghanistan

Health workers can treat, speak up for, seek justice for, and empower survivors of gender-based violence


White Supremacy in Global Health

A Juneteenth pledge to continue the ever-changing march toward anti-racism, ending oppression, and achieving justice


The Color and Gender of COVID: Essential Workers, Not Disposable People

Women of color sit at the intersection of race and gender disparities—they should be at the center of policy solutions


Dual Pandemics: Coronavirus and Gender-Based Violence

With violence doubling in some places, women bear the brunt of COVID-19—lessons from Rwanda for a post-pandemic world


Religion and COVID-19—Keeping Faith in the Battle Against Coronavirus

Faith leaders and their organizations can and should serve as crucial allies in the fight against COVID-19—and many are